Average Price Calculator logo Coin & Stock average calculator

Calculates the average price for stocks and coins. Supports fractional purchases.

To calculate with amount instead of quantity, click the button below.

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Profit Loss Percentage:
Valuation Profit and Loss:

How to use

Average Price CalculatorAutomatically calculates the average acquisition price when purchasing additional stocks or cryptocurrencies.

  • Clicking the 'Add row' button will add a new row.
  • In each row, by entering the purchase price and quantity, you can check the total and the average price in real-time.
  • Unnecessary data can be deleted by pressing the '-' button at the end of each row.

Calculation method

Total calculation: The total for each row is calculated by multiplying the entered purchase price by the quantity.

Average purchase price: Based on the purchase price and quantity of all rows, the total average purchase price is calculated.

Profit and loss rate: Calculate the profit and loss rate through the change in the average purchase price based on the last entered purchase price (last row).

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